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Richard H. Davis, M. Ed.
2209 Sunrise Lane
Carrollton, TX 75006
[ About Richard ]


"Mr. Davis, thank you… You sir are an exemplary human being and extraordinary leader."
Juan Rodriguez - Student, Middle College High School & El Centro College, DCCCD

"Mr. Davis realizes that staff development is a journey, not a destination. He encourages self-examination and challenges his staff to reach kids, so they can teach kids."
Steve Patti - CEO/President, Polarity Inc.

"Richard challenges us and stretches our thinking to new levels."
Dr. Cecelia Cunningham - Director, Middle College National Consortium

"Mr. Davis is someone with expertise, a heart for helping students, and a dynamic personality."
Florence Shapiro, Texas State Senator

"Richard is a very outgoing, genuine person who firmly believes that all students can be successful. He's the guy who will challenge the status quo…[he] is dogmatic about keeping up with the current educational trends. He always avails himself to professional development that would enhance his program; his bottom line is 'What is best for the students'. "
Carolyn Bailey, Dallas ISD Area Superintendent

"I consider Richard Davis as one of the nation's truly visionary leaders. He has impressed me as one who could guide individuals and organizations through an ever-changing maze of circumstances and conditions. He is clearly one of the modern-day apostles in the Middle College High School arena...[he] can effectively and efficiently assist individuals and organizations in many ways."
Dr. Wright Lassiter, Jr., President, El Centro College, DCCCD

"Richard is a gifted and spirited educator, an anointed pianist and performer, and a dedicated husband and father with a passion for excellence and quality." -
Carlyn C. Davis - Loving Wife

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